Hello, everyone I am a newbie, my screen name is Apachejoe I'm 66 years young, from Slapout Alabama
and have been in love with all type of guns all my life. Done a 3 year hitch in the USMC that really started the
wheel going on the M-14, AR and 1911s and have built several of AR10 and 15s and 1911 and Glocks. I guess I've owned
about every type of gun there is. But now I've got the Savage fever but I'm lost on what will fit what. Got a Savage
110e that was in peices the bolt was broke and no stock ect! I got the parts and stock and a new barrel for the old
barrel was rusted and bad dents, both being 30.06 though but got it all together and it was a learning experence about the
different models and everything else. don't mean to babble but I am in love with Savage, just don't know nothing about
them, I have taken a couple of years of gunsmithing courses and consider myself a average Smith but didn't think
much about bolt guns but boy was I wrong. I am a complete Savage rookie!

Thanks everyone,