I live in MN. Sometime between Friday night and saturday morning, A large hole appeared in my yard. It's about as big around as a basketball and 2 feet deep. You can see at the bottom of the hole this critter made it to the tunnel of one of my lovely pocket gopher tunnels. There are very large/deep claw marks up and down the sides of the tunnel and not nearly enough dirt above ground to fill in the crater this critter made. I seam to have had a successful summer sniping my ground squirrels/striped gophers and keeping up on trapping my pocket gophers, now I have this damn thing. Any ideas what it would be other than a badger? If it is a badger, do they travel far or keep to a small area? Before I resort to trapping it, is there any ways of baiting it in with food or my foxpro to eliminate it in another way? Thanks, Jon