Just joined the forum and wanted to introduce myself.

First, I design satellites and rockets for a living and I live in the shadow of the Kennedy Space Center here on Florida's East Coast.

I'm British (Green Card holder) so I haven't been around many guns until now. As a self-confessed newbie to firearms, I've recently started to develop an interest in long range rifle competition - it seems like a logical progression from my darts and archery pastimes. So I'm currently doing some local firearms training, just to get the basics of safe usage and maintenance down, and I'm doing a lot of investigating to try to learn all the things I need to.

I love to learn new skills and I like the engineering challenge that assembling my own gear offers. I'm quite eager to have a go at following in the path of those folk who have successfully turned simple Savage hunting rifles into usable 1,000 yard and even 1 mile competition rifles, while also learning how to develop good form to help me shoot more accurately.

Looking forward to asking lots of questions and learning from the knowledgeable community here!
