Quote Originally Posted by Don G View Post
Chet: All I can tell you is the results I'm able to achieve with what I shoot with. I shoot in prone matches (F class - front & rear rest). The distance is 50 & 100 yards. At least half the folks I shoot with have much more expensive rifles than my Savage MarkII BV. The rifle has a Nikon 3-9X40 and I use CCI standard velocity ammo. Some use more expensive ammo. Out of a possible 1200 score, the consistent winner shoot in the 1190 to 1195 range with 80 to 85 X's. My range is 1185 to 1189 with around 60X's. I've yet to crack 1190 but it is possible. I also shoot in Tactical steel matches (35 to 125 yards) with a Savage A22 and a Boyd stock using the same scope and ammo as the Mark II. It's a more difficult match than the prone. I end up in the middle of the pack but improve my finish position every match. I don't know what to tell you but I'm satisfied with the results for the money I spent from both Savage rifles. To an extent, it's not the gun - it's the guy behind it that dictates the score.
hi Don

after reading a bit more, i ordered the B22 model 70203 which has the rotary magazine vs the clip type.
