Noted a link in another thread about use of electric means of copper removal from barrels. The following link was given: Well being cold today and with not much else too do decided to make up one of these apparatus. I made several modifications too the overall apparatus but keep the electrolyte formular the same. Rather than using two D-cells I used a 12 volt DC battery charger for the power source. Unbelievable how much gunk came out of an old take off barrel. Sure glad I used this old barrel as a learning tool. Definately will need modifications before using on a good firearm. Main issue is the boiling off of electrolyte. I used a hose on the barrel end but next time will use a longer one along with plastic tee too drain into seperate vessel. Suspect I let it run too long (25 minutes) but it was impressive the amount of junk that came bubbling out. After draining everything and giving everything a good wash down in hot water proceeded too clean the bore by regular means. I tried some Montana Extreme 50 BMG copper remover first -- nothing just a brown tinted patch. Next used bore brush with Hoppe's No. 9 and patches with them coming out as you would normally expect.

Don't know if there are any chemists out there who are brother shooters but my curosity has got the better of me. Just what is happening in this electro/chemical reaction? It apparantly does remove the copper fouling but in what form? Its not plated on the rod like you'd chrome plate something.

I have several other take off barrels too experiment with so will try different modifications determining what works the best.