i moved here not quite 2 years ago, when i retired.
Quote Originally Posted by charlie b View Post

Ok, so first, I appreciate the accomplishment and as an engineer I'd like to know how it was done. What kinds of details were attended to and what kind of equipment was used to minimize those details. Sometimes I learn something that helps me with my "cheap" equipment (I reload mostly for the fun of it).

Second, I grew up in Glendale, AZ. Neighbors were shooters at the Thunderbird range (now in the middle of huge residential areas) and we used to drive out to the desert in that area to shoot jackrabbits. Went to Black Canyon a couple of times but not on a regular basis. I am surprised it still exists being in the middle of all that build up. Now in southern NM so the heat is an issue I am familiar with when shooting, and something I try to account for when loading and making up dope tables, since I also shoot during the winter here. Mike, did you go to school in the Phx area? My mother and father (and grandfather) were high school teachers at several different schools in the 50's to 80's (Glendale, Central, Phoenix Union, Alhambra, Maryvale).

Last, I do not compete. I never found it interesting or satisfying. I do like improving my own work. As far as labels go, anyone who reloads is a reloader. Some have different goals or reasons for doing so. Some like to make precision ammo. Others reload just to save money. Others because they like to. Same with rifles. Some like to build their own out of "cast offs", others only use the most precise components and some just buy a rifle off the rack to shoot. None of these people are "better" than anyone else. Someone who shoots once a year to get an elk in the freezer is just as "good' as a national/olympic champion shooter.