I'm a newbie to this forum. Just joined,cause I need some help...

My 8 yr old smoked the Hunter Ed Course and got his so I surprised him with a reward for doing such a great job... A new Edge. I had my son shoulder a model 11 combo at the local BiMart and it looked like a good fit, but I found a better value in buying him the new Edge vs the model 11. I guess I didn't do enough research when I bought the edge. While the barrel is the same length (22") the overall length is 1.125 longer. When I gave him the rifle, yesterday, I was surprised that it was a little too big for him. Grrr my bust. I shouldn't have assumed and looked closer at the details. I like the Edge and think it will be a good first rife. This is my 1st Savage purchase so I'm not very familiar.

Questions - #1 What is the little square on top of the stock, just forward of the butt pad? Its there for some reason, just not sure what it is? It can be pushed down a little.

#2 - can this stock be trimmed down? I have access to high strength epoxies and have mechanical appitude/tooling..

Its too early in the edge life to find aftermarket stocks. I imagine that will change later, so not too worried about getting a new stock at some later date. I just don't want to screw this one up and be in a pickle... We have about a month before deer season, so like to get this corrected..


Rut n bull