I get you foxx and I know I can put the accutrigger I bought in my Axis and probably be alright. I had my Axis and Axis II apart sitting side by side and was looking to install the accutrigger I bought into the Axis. Granted I knew I’d probably need to grind the sides down a bit, no big deal. But the more I looked I noticed the trigger return spring on the accutrigger isn’t parallel with the pocket on the trigger housing of the Axis. The spring would be sitting at an angle. So I got to thinking, why don’t I just buy an aluminum trigger housing for an Axis II and be done with it? Seemed simple enough. No grinding, custom fitting or anything like that. The sear I bought to match the Hunter model accutrigger has no provision for the external spring found on the aluminum trigger housing on either my Axis or Axis II so it’s worthless to me at this point. I can make the accutrigger work. I was just going to try and buy the correct aluminum housing and do it correctly.