Decided to ditch the old .338 Lapua barrel after 50 rounds (110 HS Precision) and go to .300 Norma Mag, I finally got my barrel in the other day. Today I pulled the old barrel off cleaned the action, pulled the extractor off the bolt, & cleaned the brand new barrel. I screwed the barrel in til it contacted the GO Gauge, backed it off, and started checking the bolt movement. Now here’s where the problems start... I find the sweet spot, snug up the barrel nut (not torqued) and replace the GO with the NO GO Gauge... The bolt closes on it... No big deal, I put the Go gauge back in, loose up the barrel nut and screw the barrel in every so slightly... Same Result, the Bolt closes on the NO GO... I repeat this process all the way to the point the bolt is uncomfortably heavy and still it closes on the No GO... I pulled everything back apart, re-checked/cleaned everything and still the same result... Now I have done probably 10-15 re-barrels on everything from .223 thru .338 Lapua and I have never had these issues... I did email the barrel Manufacturer, but today being Friday I don’t expect a response until early next week.. Obviously something is not right, but I wanted to post it up here just in case someone has any insights on something I may have overlooked.