Just finished up cleaning my Stevens 200 in 223. This is probably my "most abused" rifle in the stable. We went on a camping trip this weekend in N. AZ, and I took it along for coyote repellent. We went up Friday, and Saturday morning it started raining. Hard. Drenched and soaked everything we had, including my rifle. By Saturday afternoon, there was no letup in sight, so we packed it in and came home.

My rifle was so soaking wet, when I picked it up in camp, water poured out of it. I had no way to clean it or dry it while up there, so I put it in the case and brought it home.

Like I said, I just now finished cleaning it. There was not one single spot of rust or blueing discoloration anywhere on the rifle. The bore also cleaned up fine with minimal effort, no rust there either. Oh, and the Nikon scope is fine too.

So much for blued rifles rusting in the rain.

Gotta love those Savages!