I'm getting to be like the old lady with a house full of cats. I have several "Pet Loads" for my 6.5 C/M. I realized that the most popular powder (H-4350) was disappearing from just about every source so I decided to look at other powders. I now have "Pet Loads" for several powders, some that have been overlooked for a while and some that are relatively new.

It's amazing how easy it becomes to find an excellent load when one follows simple procedures, first understanding what speed range your rifle performs best with using a given bullet weight. Then find a charge weight that puts the bullet in that speed "window", carefully adjusting first the powder, then seating depth.

Most of the fun in "shooting" is, wait for it, ------ Shooting. Some time at the range behind the rifle, pulling the trigger, and gathering data. One more outing on Tuesday to work up a load for the last powder I see potential in and I'm ready to shoot for the next couple years. I figure that I'll have one of the 5 powders available at least some of the time and won't have to rely on just one.