Quote Originally Posted by big honkin jeep View Post
:) That's pretty funny
Years ago there was a commercial that ran on TV for "Bonkers" candy.
The catch phrase was something like "Bonkers, Really bonks you out"
There was also a product called Bonkers liver flavored cat treats that came in a small colorful cardboard carton.
I was watching TV with my father in law one evening when the candy commercial came on. He proceeded to grab a carton of "bonkers", pour a handful of liver flavored cat treats in his hand and pop em in his mouth.
Needless to say he was "Really bonked out" alright. LOL
Gene passed many years ago, but that story still cracks me up every time I think about it.
I knew a guy who did the same thing with dog food.
Just kept a few pieces in his pocket for a little snack.
Claimed it was just like eating granola.
Poor guy got whacked by a car one day while pissing on a fireplug at a bus stop.