Good day,

So, I just went to the range this last weekend to get my PD gun ready for action next weekend... About 6 Months ago my axis got a new stock on it and has now "compressed" around the action screws... It was shooting great for 10-15 rounds (all one big ragged hole) and then all of the sudden my POI shifted about 1-2" right.... Still grouping though... I've never had that problem with it since putting the CBI barrel on it.

So, I took it apart to see what was going on, and found that there is nothing to keep the action from moving laterally (except the rear action screw).

The question is: Has anyone else bedded the savage action (Glass not Pillar)? and if so, what did you bed? I'm stumped in regards to how to bed around the funky recoil lug... Or is Pillar bedding my only option here?
