Just got my rifle today, took her home and did a function test with some snap caps... For my feeding test I started with two snap caps and loaded them into the mag... I didn't get the bolt more than 2 mm forward before it the entire snap cap jumped out of the rifle. With one left in the mag, it fed perfectly. I repeated this test two more times to confirm. I then put 4 snap caps in the mag, the first two fed perfect, the 3rd jumped out, 4th fed perfect again... I repeated this a couple times to confirm... It's not hitting anything but the lips on the mag seem to move quite easily... I put two caps in and moved the cap with my finger from the top and it fed fine... I used a small pocket knife to do the same test making sure I got all the way behind the bullet and again it jumped out...it seems to me that I might need to adjust the rear of the feeding lips on the magazine and that maybe it's just loose enough to matter. Figured I'd ask guys that know better than myself before doing it... any suggestions otherwise?