Spent about an hour and a half on the phone today with my new contact at Vista Outdoor so I thought I'd share some of the information I gleamed from it.

First off, the new Savage Arms website...

1. They're well aware of the functionality short-comings of the new site and are working on it. Basically their web development team screwed the pooch on this one.
2. No ETA on the Parts Finder and merchandise stores return at this time, but it will return.

Second, for those wondering if/when Savage will start offering the Lettering service for older guns that John Callahan used to do now that they have bought all his records, the answer is "No clue."

Third, he's a shooter and not just a paper-pusher or bean-counter which is a great sign. He started with Federal Ammunition in shotshell production, then moved up to Quality Control at Federal. After that he spent some time in QC and warranty repair with Weaver, and now he's part of the communications team with Vista. He also mentioned he shoots F-Class, hunts, and has a degree in gunsmithing and actually seemed to be pretty knowledgeable in the ways of the Savage. He did however admit that prior to ATK buying Savage Arms he had always been a Remington 700 guy. I guess nobody's perfect. lol

Suffice to say I'm enthusiastic about the direction Savage is headed, and even more so knowing the folks at Vista handling the marketing stuff are talking to the right kinds of people and putting more focus on the right areas.