I'm having trouble with me .308 I've had it for about 6 or 7 years
My dad got it for me in high school and it came with a Nikon prostaff 3x9x40 BDC scope on it. And it's been a great gun I've never missed a deer ever with it. And I've took some long shots with it. I only shoot Hornaday 125gr customes lites in it. But this year I was getting ready for deer season and I sighted it in at 25 yards as I always have took about two shots to get dead on. And I use a lead sled also. Went deer hunting opening morning missed a doe 7 times and about 80 yards. Didn't really understood why so I came home shot my gun and it off about 6inches to right and about 6inches high so I dialed it back in got it back dead on in 2 or 3 shots went Hunting next day shot a doe at about 220 yards but I didn't hit it good. Had blood and some bone but ever did find the deer tracked it for about 3 hours. So once again I came home shot it and once again I was off 6 inches high and to the right. I put a different scope on it just a plane BUSHNELL. And it did this one more time missed a nice Buck this time at only about 40 yards but when I check it this time it was a foot high but dead on left to right. I checked my stock and my mounts and they where all tight with loctight on them. So I decided to go buy a new scope and mounts I got a Nikon 4x12x40 mill dot and Leopold mounts went out shot it at 50 yards took me about 4 shoots to dial in the new scope. I moved it out to 100 yards shot it and I was 6 inches high. So I moved It down only 4 clicks and I shot a foot under the target and this in a lead sled. So I moved it up 11 clicks and shot about 2 inches above that not even hitting the target again. So I'm not sure what the problem is this is three scopes now and new set of mounts and the gun is off bad. And in this mist of all this I have tried three different brands of ammo and three different types of grain of bullet.