For the last 5 years, we have been keeping our daughter/granddaughters dog. Circumstances finally turned around for her where she could keep her. One issue was she had 2 cats, and the 3 of them didn't mix well, and the cats were the ones that complained by peeing everywhere.

We traded her the dog for the cats, but they are barn cats now and that was part of the deal.

Everyone is adjusting now, and then this afternoon, we spotted this fella coming in the gate. Good thing/bad thing. If he starts eating the ornamental bushes it's bad, otherwise he's entertaining us.

This shot was taken through mt grandaughters bedroom window.

We saw him in the neighbors vineyard yesterday. Season is open here, but fork horn or better so he is safe this year. Don't think I could shoot one in my yard anyway, unless I was real hungry. We have seen some pretty nice ones come through here in years past though. With this drought, they are needing all the help they can get. Don't feed them, and right now one neighbors pond still has a small puddle in it, so they have water, but usually around here we set out troughs when the ponds dry up.

That pic is not a zoom shot, by the way. The building to the left is my workshop and it sits about 30ft from the back of the house.