Quote Originally Posted by yobuck View Post
Do you put cream and sugar in your coffee? If so how much? LOL
But seriously it can be just as much a personal thing. For strictly shooting, I don't mind more power.
But for l/r hunting, id sooner compromise the power for a bigger field. I would personaly rarly go beyond 12x and less if I can.
But then we also (prefer) places where shots are much less than 1000 yds. And the simple reason for that is that its easier to hit them.
So in view of that, I feel a high scope power isn't really necessary or desirable.
That is one of the best answers I've read!!
Really is the most honest as well. I shoot to a mile with a PA 4-14, and a Weaver 3-15. For that I would LIKE more mag, but isn't required for me. For MZ5 that is a bit weak for his eyes. So what do you need? That's up to you.