Well we had a great time over Memorial Day weekend in WY. Found out a few things this year.

A 22-250 actually kicks a little after shooting all day.

A 16" barreled AR-15 shooting 40 grain vmaxs is not the best for p-dogs in the wind over 200 yards.

And the 6mmBR shooting 105 amaxs around 2900 fps is awsome at longer range in the wind. The first one I hit with the BR as at 400+ yards and it through that sucker in the air like it was hit with a 22-250 at 100 yards!!! Awsome to say the least. I also got my longest confirmed kill this year at 705 yards with the 6BR.

Here is a pic of the 705! If you look in the background above my right shoulder you can see a spot thats my truck we were shooting from.