I am officially stumped. For the first time, I have let a barrel nut beat me. I was attempting to remove the nut on a SA RH SF donor rifle I purchased a few years ago. I has a 7MM-08 barrel on it that I really don't care about but it shot pretty well so I really didn't want to damage it. Went through my normal ritual preparing barrel and action for divorce. I have never had to use an action wrench in the past. Wrapped barrel in a leather strap and clamped just in front of the nut in my barrel vise, adjusted the wrench to the proper position and gave it a really sharp blow with a my 18" stick of 2x4. Nothing. Gave it another. Still nothing. Gave it a Manitoba 2 fister and still nothing. Nut wouldn't budge but barrel moved in the blocks for the first time ever. Tightened again and repeated the earlier process and actually tightened blocks to the point where one cracked. Still nothing doing. Broke out the Kroil (never needed before either)and applied liberally and left it alone for the night. Got home from work tonight and dusted off my action wrench. Got action set up in the wrench and positioned barrel nut wrench to correct position. Set my piece of 2x4 on top of wrench and struck it with a 4# hammer. Sheared my Grade 8 1/4-28 right off. WTF??? Any suggestions for when I get this little stub of broken bolt out of the action?