Good info guys!
I drive a Honda fit, so that might hint as to which die I would prefer ;-), but after 6 years and trying a prius and other vehicle in the same class, I am about throw this POS into the Grand River.

I wanted to clarify my question, it is not a question about $$$ but my question would be which dies would be the proper one for the task. For example do I need Larry Willis dies or lee collet suffice?

I gots nuting against rcbs dies, I have a stack of green boxes. I checked my die stash and I don't have any 300 wm dies. I thought I had bought some from Russ Haydon when they were closing down their business.

FL Size = rcbs or redding body die
Neck size = lee collet die
Seater = Wilson

pls feel free to add to this list.

Do you guys use a case gauge to check the brass if it needs sizing/trimming or just eye ball it?