So..since hunting season is over I'm trying to get re-started on some of my projects. First and foremost is my Remage 6x55.
Ive fireformed some brass and did some velocity checks on formed cases. I still have some speed checks to do with another bullet.
When I was checking things out today I noticed my cases mouths were a little angled. No big, trim them. These were on the cases I still needed to do speed checks on specifically. (Fireformed ones too but these arent the problem).
So I pulled the bullets, trimmed them, chamfered them lube inside neck and case. When I went to resize them they split. I did 3, and they all split.

I got a little frustrated and popped one that had only been fireformed. Same routine, trim, chamfer, lube. Resized just fine, no cracks splits or anything.

So....I had some empties I had done speed workups on. Deprime, trim, chamfer, lube, problems.
I'm just curious as to why these are splitting. Im thinking I may just go ahead and shoot them for as speed workups and no pull them apart since Ive already ruined 3 cases.
Any input or ideas, appreciated!