I am a pistol shooter primarily, but I do own one bolt gun, a .308 FCP-K in an XTR chassis. I don't shoot it much, but, when I do, I am reminded how good a rifle it really is. Here is a very short video from yesterday.


I let this rifle go too long without a good barrel cleaning. Cleaned it up a few weeks ago, fired 10 rounds through it last week with good results, then 20 yesterday, a cold bore (but not clean) shot at 100 then went to 300. Fired 10 rounds and the groups homed in on the card, then shot 4 at card 3 shown in the video, then went back to the 100 yard target for the last 5 rounds. So, it took about 20 rounds to foul enough to stabilize. I think I'm good to go for 100-200 rounds now. I think. That means I'll clean it again in 2017 at the rate I shoot it, LOL.
