I've been working on my gun, juggling between that, full time job (50-60 hours a week and we haven't even started harvest) and 17 hours of college credits. This means that something has to be sacrificed and sleep is the lucky winner. That also means that since the gun is not mandatory, I must do it last...when I'm tired. I inletted the entire thing which was easy enough.

Only problem is you get in a hurry and that means rather than taking my time to apply inletting agent of some kind, I guessed where I needed to inlet. Long story short, I got done inletting 3 weeks ago and I'm just now to the point I can start bedding tonight because I had to fix my mistakes.

So please for the love of Pete, don't rush or have somebody else do it. Will save you hours of frustration fixing things because you messed up. Actually, I suggest waiting if your going to do it and I'll post the entire build. Over 100 pictures and you'll see why most send it off to be inletted. I could have, but I simply wanted to do it myself for the satisfaction of doing it myself, but I should have inletted a block of wood first instead of butchering a 350$ A5. Would have taught me you can't rush perfection.

Not saying I won't do it again, but next time I'll have learned not to try and get it done so quickly and be on better terms with sleep!