so ive used several different lubes over the years and have always seen guys making their own but never gave it much thought.
lately ive been looking into the water base base lubes looking for something a little easier to clean off the cases so i decided to try the home brew as its about the same price to make it as it is to buy it.
i got a 4oz bottle of liquid lanolin from whole foods and a gallon of 99% ISO alcohol from big R(they dont have small bottles and i wasnt going to run all over looking for a small bottle)friday...after a bunch of searching around i settled on a 12:1 mix...a lot of ppl mix 16:2 but i read a few posts from guys saying 16:2 is a little thick and gums up dies so i figured i could always add more lanolin if the 12:1 wasnt working. i mixed it up..cleaned my sizing die and used a Q-tip to coat the inside of my die and gave a case a little shot let it dry and ran it into the die...can you guess what happen...YEP...TORE THE Fn RIM RIGHT OFF THE CASE!!!
this is only the second stuck case ive ever had and it was a you know what getting that case outta my die even with the RCBS stuck case tool!!
i ALMOST threw the bottle of home brew away but though ill give it one more try as i had 93 case i needed to size today..i ran to wal-mart and got a cheep cake pan(my wife was home so i couldnt use hers)threw all the cases in the pan and gave them 2 good spritzes rolled they around a little and let them dry.
i grabbed a case put it in the shell holder and slowly sent it into the went in and out so easy i thought maybe i didnt tighten the die down all the way so i checked and it was tight.i threw another case in the shell holder and the same and out smoother than id ever felt with any other lube ive used including imperial wax...i know a lotta you guys are probable already using this....if not do...smoothest easiest to clean lube ive ever used.i dont know what happened with the first case but im impressed now and thats hard to do LOL!!