Hello all,

Hoping someone here can help me out. Last year I purchased an old 110 .270 left handed as a backup gun. I noticed after putting a few rounds through it the ejector pin was stuck and wouldn't push the shells out. I tried everything to get it out but still wouldn't move. I pretty much beat it to death trying. I looked everywhere but trying to find an old left handed bolt head seems next to impossible. I bought a new head/parts for it but was hoping someone could tell me the trick to drilling it out along with fixing the rest of the bolt, to make the new bolt head work correctly on the older bolt. I remember reading some instructions on how to do it but its been awhile and now can't seem to find it anywhere. Or would like some info of a gunsmith to send it to who can fix it. Was gonna try and get this gun up and running this fall. Thanks for the help.