Hello to all and I should've done this long ago...been on here since 2011 and never properly introduced myself.

Livin' in West River South Dakota, work throughout Wyoming but got introduced to the Brotherhood of the Barrel Nut by a great guy and savage shooter, Ron Gill out in Idaho...you can find him talking about air guns on http://blueflaxairguns.blogspot.com/

I bought my first ol' Savage 110 30-06 about 5 years at a pawn shop and got it cheap since it didn't work. Cleaned it up and found this site in the process. It shoots like a dream now and is one of my favorite big game rifles. I have taken apart and put together several builds since then and introduced a few others to savages and savageshooters.com. Lots of great info and have had lots of great deals with some great folks on here. Busy work schedule keeps me off of here most of the time but enjoy it when I can visit this site.

