I spend a lot of time here in the classifieds section and have spent more money on actions, barrels and stocks then I care to know. I enjoy the heck out of shooting the Savages in many different barrels and calibers.

A few years ago my dad and I purchased a 50 BMG, I'm still waiting for one to come out with a barrel nut so I can easily swap barrels :) , we also joined the FCSA (Fifty Cal Shooters Association) as we found out there was a location close by that we could shoot and compete at. So now a couple times a year I take out my two 50BMG rifles and complete against other shooters for score and group size at 1,000 yrds. I am getting better and I'm even making my own 50 cal match bullets now.

Here is a look at the bullets I make

and the guns I shoot them from

It is getting harder to find gun clubs that allow us to shoot these awesome calibers. What a lot of fun they are too. So far my best group is 7" at 1k with my own bullets. I am looking to break that this year. There are only a few gun ranges in the US that allow us to shoot these 50s in competition, I'm lucky to live within a three hour drive of one of these ranges.

The knowledge and information I'm looking for from you guys is any additional locations/gun clubs that might be willing to support an FCSA sanctioned match. We need 1,000 yrds and target area with pits that allow targets to be marked for score. Below is a rough map of the few locations that have a FCSA sanctioned shoot each year. It is marked with a 400 mile wide circle. I'm looking for some new areas in the locations outside of these circles, or heck any new locations would be a bonus. I'm thinking somewhere around Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Kansas City and maybe SW Texas could certainly benefit from a place to shoot and watch these awesome guns in action.

Here is a look at the "pits" that protect the scorer and allow use to score the targets quickly while the shooter is still on the clock.

and a look at the range I shoot/compete at

If you know of any gun ranges that might meet the requirements to allow such a match please feel free to let me know. If you are ever in the area of these matches I urge you to look into checking it out, ask to help in the pits, it is awesome to see the bullets strike the target and hear the crack of the bullet pass by. Ask questions from the shooters, I have known members to let others shoot their big 50s before! How cool is that!

Here is a link to the dates these matches will be held, the black circles on the map represent where they are. Certainly some of you must be in driving distance of these locations and would love to see, take part or even shoot a big 50BMG!


Thanks for the help

Good shooting and swage on!

Brian Thurner