I swore to Myself I would just stick to the Nikon that came on my Savage TH package. Right I am sure you have heard that before. One of the guys here posts a Redfield Revolutions 4x12......Dilemma.....I mule over it for a few hours until one of the guys at work asks what is wrong I tell him I am thinking about buying the scope. Of course he asks whats the problem I tell him I don't NEED it. I WANT it and I am having a hard time justifying it. So he asks how much then says well crap man I'll give you $100 for the Nikon to help ease your pain if you mount it and boresight it for me. Well dang that just made it I NEED the scope and don't just WANT the scope. So I bought it and it showed up yesterday. I mounted and bore-sighted it like a kid with his first bb-gun all excited then I take it out back and take a good peak through the scope. There is a reason I don't window shop if I don't know what I am missing I can make due with anything, but the difference between the two scopes in incredible and I thought the Nikon was a huge step up from my $50 scopes I grew up on. So thank you to all you Savageshooters that have now ruined me. Before I got on this site I never needed a fancy stock, special scope rings or mounts, just bought factory ammo and was content to shoot it, and never had more then a $50 scope.