To date I have only bedded 2 rifles. One I pillar bedded along with a glass bed and the other just a glass bed. I am fairly confident in my abilities to do this. I have a current build that I am doing and my stock was aquired from someone who opened it up a little bit. Its not a huge opening but, it is a little more gap on the sides than I prefer. My initial thought was to just put a few layers of tape on the barrel and bed the channel of the stock. My question on this though is if standard epoxy based bedding such as the stuff purchased from stocky's stocks, which is what I have on hand, would 1. be too heavy? and 2. would it hold up to the rigors of being a walk around gun without flaking or chipping over time? Also, would it be better to bed the action and barrel all at the same time or would it be better to do 1 first and then the other?