Went hunting in the woods recently after a major snow storm mostly cause I wanted to get valuable track info from the snow. Found what I believe are bedding areas with some green oval scat in them--not like any deer scat I've seen anywhere else before. Most of the tracks I found in the snow appeared to be pawed with toes--though the freeze/thaw cycle made it hard to see precise definition. I came upon an older tree blow-down which next too it's up-ended root structure there was a motherload of scat piles--some several inches deep, 1/2 foot wide and consisting of over 50 individual green oval pellets. There were a half dozen such piles--some of which were obviously old--but one or too that looked "slimy-glistening" fresh. I'm at a complete loss as to what animals may be doing this as I have never seen anything like this in the woods before. The area is in coastal Maine--very heavy woods but not far from settlements. I know the subject of scat inevitably will degrade into jokes--but please--serious help will be appreciated!