I've joined a number of forums over the years and I'm starting to loose track of screen names/logins/passwrods. I joined this one to see if I could find out any information on an older family gun handed down from my Grandfather to my Father (second son) to me (second son) and...you guessed it, already committed to my second son.

By way of introduction, I like older guns, military in particular. I oft imagine what story the gun might tell about it's life, kind of like the old soldier you might meet at a Veterans' Day celebration. Even the civilian guns could tell many a story, I'm sure. Now, that being said, my collection is not exclusively antiques. I also enjoy modern arms, including personal defense, shooting sports, hunting, etc., though I have never brought myself to buy a "black" rifle. I do have a Glock, but only because it was a deal as a new gun and was chambered in the soon-to-be-forgotten 45 G.A.P. (I believe this means it is a unique piece some day).

Thanks for showing me the secret hand shack...
