Took it out to a friend's farm and did a little bit of sighting in at 50yds in his pasture. I had just bore sighted it in the backyard and found that I was already within minute-of-deer for the range I was testing it out at.

2" to the right and 2" up and I had the windage dead nuts and it was putting 5 rounds into about quarter-sized groups about 2" above POA ... which ought to have me pretty close when I get to stretch it out a bit.

My goal for this is for me to be comfortable on shots on deer at 350yds or so.

The suppressor made it pretty quiet though I kept my ear pro on. I took out my 6.8 SPC AR right after shooting it and the AR was significantly and very noticeably louder even with quality Peltor muffs on.

Also felt pretty good about this as this was the first time I've loaded and shot my own ammo.