I am trying to pillar and bed an old model 10 stagger feed blind mag into a Boyd's thumbhole. The first time I attempted this particular job I had difficulty removing the action from the stock and actually resorted to pounding the action screw guide bolts with a hammer to free it from the stock. I actually BENT one of the bolts while doing so. I don't think I damaged or bent the action, but...

the stock is split from the rear action screw pillar thru to the mag well. Once I discovered it, I drilled holes, cut slots, etc and filled with Devcon 10110. I figured I had repaired it better than new. Maybe. I re-bedded the action, all looked good. Installed the action screws, and was a little disappointed because I had some soft torque issues when tightening them. (I strive for free-turning action screws with a sudden STOP when tightening). Anyhow, afterwards, I realized I forgot to install the mag spring and follower, so I removed the action again from the stock and discovered the SAME crack reappeared in my bedding.

WHY??? What am I doing wrong? Is the action bent a little from my aggressive pounding of the screw bolts??? The bolt operates fine and smooth as silk. The way I look at it, even if it IS bent, if the bedding is done properly, it should not matter. I am currently trying to repair it one more time, with more compound, using JB Weld this time.