Hi, although off topic, it IS shooting related...
When I retired from IBM back in 2001, I bought a replica 427 Cobra, not a 'kit' but made in South Africa. Same company the the late Caroll Shelby's cars were/are made. Anyway, I joined a User's Group and everyone was very nice and we had some good discussions. The site admin. owned a very small auto repair shop, but he was always coming up with some off the wall topics.
I guess I should have known, when he boasted he had 'invented' a new motor oil. He was FAR from being a Tribologist or Engineer of any sort.......
Anyway, one day he was boasting about his prowess with a handgun. I guess everyone on the site was just a car person.
However, he mentioned he was some kind of International Class IHMSA champ. I just happened to also be an IHMSA competitor and had won the Ky State Class B revolver championship, with a Ruger .44 Mag. He really got a lot of guys worshiping his expertise. Then he mentioned the following:

He could hit 5 silver dollars IN A ROW at 200 Meters, (220 Yards). His gun of choice was a TC 14 inch (open sights, of course) chambered in .444 Marlin.
I made him an offer on the forum.

"If you can hit ONE silver dollar, I will give you my Cobra, free and clear. I'll give you 10 shots".

He immediately kicked me off the site for being 'confrontational', but he did get a LOT of questions as to why he didn't take me up on my offer.
Yeah, the car is only worth about $65 K but it was a safe bet!

ha ha
