Quote Originally Posted by thermaler View Post
As my first hunting season firearms use draws to a close I find myself wondering just how many denizens of this forum actually would take their precision tack-drivers out into the woods for real-world action. My style of hunting is to ground hunt going far and deep into the mountains where the hoards of stand-haulers are likely not to go. This means though, that I often climb up steep heavily wooded and rocky terrain--hard enough in light but very tough in the dark at the end of the day when most likely I'll be dead-reckoning bushwacking in the dark. My rifle has taken a beating--rained on, fallen on, slid through mud and leaves and the occasional bash--can't imagine doing this with an expensive custom rig.

nothing to do with you or your comments and current opinions.
do youself a big favor and start a diary of your hunts and opinions.
just a little note each day will suffice. years from now you will have
a book of things. some of which you had forgotten about completly.
it will also show how your opinions changed over time. possibly a better word
would be evolved rather than changed. it will also remind you that youve been
spending alot of time in places that didnt produce. good hunting spots can vary
from year to year due to food source more so than distance from other hunters.