Hey guys, our Fish and Wildlife here in Kentucky just passed a new law that allows us to hunt coyotes at night with a light! But the catch is that we have to use a shotgun (and no we can't shoot slugs). So I have decided to shoot them with one of two shells, either 3" 4# turkey load, or a 2 3/4", 9 pellet buffered 00 buck. I have a few questions though, first off which do you think will be best, I expect to be shooting at mainly 30-40 yrds, and I don't have a turkey choke (yet). Second, what will pattern best at said ranges? What turkey choke should I get for this hunting along with some turkey hunting, my gun is a Benelli Nova 12ga. Lastly, when I do get a turkey choke, will it be safe to shoot 00 buck through it? Thanks, Cole

Here's the buckshot shells that
I was planning on using.