Same way I did mine, including using the gauges and tape. One hint, don't do what I did last weekend - had some loads that were showing me pressure signs (bright marks and tight bolt - found the issue) but was afraid I might not have gotten the headspace correct so tried the go gauge again - good idea, but I had forgot to take the tape off and when the go gauge would not close, figured I had messed up and took the rifle apart and re-head spaced it again. Then found the tape....good practice but gave me a little fright at first.

BTW - problem was dumb one, had just a bit of Imperial wax from sizing on a few cases, it seems to be what caused the issue. The cases in question all felt 'wet' after firing and seem to have a film on them when I resized them. Like I said dumb mistake and I was lucky. Lessons learned the hard way make a BIG impression.