Hi, I'm looking to buy a 12 LRP in either 260 Rem or 6.5 Creedmoor. I'll buy whichever comes available first, but my preference is the 6.5 Creedmoor. however, I cannot find one I'm stock anywhere. I am signed up on several stock notifications lists, but nothing yet.
I've been reading some reports on forums about Savage switching the style of HS Precision stock from the original to the PST114 vertical grip style. I called savage today to see if this was the case, and spoke to a very friendly customer service rep who told me that they have indeed switched stocks for all production 12LRPs to the vertical grip style. This is great, because the original stocks low comb was the only fault I could find with the LRP. I was originally planning to sell the original stock and buy this style so this is a great change for me. Unfortunately, talking to the rep, he said that there is no way to tell by model number or anything what stock is on the gun, short of opening the box.
Anybody know how long it will be before we start to see more in stock? Or any way to find one now?
