Headed to the grocery store today and passed a garage sale. From my truck, I spotted an RCBS loading press on one of the tables, so I stopped to look. Scattered loading stuff, mostly worn out. Nothing I needed. And there was a box of old toy guns. The metal ones, not the new plastic crap. I'm not a toy gun person, but some of the old toys are collectible. In the meantime, I'm chatting with the women running the sale. Apparently, this stuff is all her late father's stuff. There had been some guns, but the sold them to the local gun shop. She just didn't want guns around. They made her nervous. Even toy guns.

Then I found one weird little toy gun. Asked here what she wanted for it. She told me it was her father's favorite toy. He kept it on his desk and was always playing with it. Would Twenty dollars be too much? No, it wouldn't. I paid her and left with my new toy gun.

Now I will be the first to admit that at a single glance, it looks like a toy gun...

This lady had a Savage model 101 pistol for sale in a box of toy guns where anyone could have bought it, including some kid, because she didn't know what it was. Hell, I had to look at it twice before I figured out what I was looking at. I've never seen one before.

I figure I did the world a favor by getting it away from someone who didn't like guns, keeping it out of the hands of some little kid, and adding it to my collection.

So, here's my new $20 single shot pistol...