So I had a 16 in 204. Loved the gun for puffing birds and such. But when it comes to coyotes I had issues. I reloaded Hornady 32, and 40gr V-Max's, Berger 35gr HP's and Dogtown's. Pushing the 40's at 4100 and the 32's at 4400Fps from my crony, I couldn't kill a yote.
Let me say out here the BIG yotes are around 40Lbs, with most of them in the 25-35 range. I have shot in the face, big middle, and everywhere in between. Ranges varied from 20 yards to about 100.

In five different cases Witnesses watched as the coyote did "OH!" hunch, but then ran off and dissapeared in the sage some 50-100 yards off.
The gun was accurate, but not a coyote killer, anyone else have this issue, or am I the proverbial "one"???