Quote Originally Posted by bottlerocket View Post
My question, when it comes down to the end is: Is it worth it keeping this rifle and modding it up or just buy a new Savage with the better stock and trigger? Its already set up with no issues and selling this one to buy a newer Savage I almost feel I could spend less that route than rebuilding mine.
First you have to decide what you plan on doing with the rifle in question. Is this for range fun, hunting rig, competition, etc?

After you answer that question for yourself then you have a couple of things to think about.

From my perspective there are really only two reason why one would consider rebuilding a sub performing rifle:

1) Super tight budget
2) Project gun for fun

Reasons for not making a project out it:

1) Available budget is large enough to buy what you want retail.
2) Not interested in making a project out of it or lack the time and patience to do it right.

If you are willing to put the time in and look for the right deals you can collect all the major parts (Barrel, stock, trigger) and build up a very nice rifle for less then buying a retail gun. If you are not interested in making a project out of it then I would sell the rifle and use the proceeds to get the rifle you want.