That is if you cal Sunday/Monday a weekend.
Hit a few ranches down in CO.
Slept in late Sunday, (8am) due to staying up till 1 am Putting lites & wiring it all in on my pals Jeep.
Hit the field at 830 am and count 5 coyotes right off the bat from a hill we perched on to glass. This one area has 4 ranches we have access to coyote hunt on. Just this one spot is about 5 miles long and maybe 2 miles deep and you can see them way out there.
3 just mousing out about 900 yds out and 2 others chomping on a dead cow about 100yds out and 800 yds from the other 3.
Dang we are not in the right spot! Well wer ar to see them, but not close to shoot them. These coyotes failed to respond to any sounds whatsoever, just like this time of year there is a lot of food sources on the ranches. They would rather mouse at 900yds to 1/2 mile away instead of come in to vocals or ANY distress. Plenty of rabbits bounding out there as well as those 13 stripped tidbits they love.
Sunday we shot 4 by noon and they were all spot & stalk in very open country with low depressions that helped, but we still only could get about 300 yds from any of them before they split, which did happen about 8x that weekend.
Same spot but about 6pm and were are back to stalk over the dead cow. we count 3 at 800 yds out, then we see 1 heaed to the cow. On top of this about 1/4 mile to our right we see a coyote come running down from a hill looking over its shoulder, stopp runn more. Well about 100 yds behind it come 5 coyotes in a single file trotting after it, they tangle and it takes off again over a few depressions and those 5 hook up with the 3 already down there, so now we have 10 coyotes all within 1000 yds of each other. We throw out challanges, female invite/ male barks...yea..they do noting but look at us and stay away at a distance I am not going to shoot at from the hill.
It all lasts about 30 min and we tried everything. Now way we could of even got up to stalk closer...itys all open & flat.
Sundays total seen was 23, shot 4 out of them.
The ones we did shoot needed removing...all mangy.
We finally got ol Mr Mangey himself (top pic) after seeing it for the past 4 months, but never got close enough. He came in circling us as we were watching 4 others mouse out in the field and he popped up on our right from who knows where. Did not even glance as me as I turned on him and watched him trot 900 yds to a spot by the dead cow. I stalked my way to it and after 45 min. saw it laying down next to a yucca plant & as I was aiming, well about 30 cows decided to come and have a close look at me and nearly trampled Mr mangey, he stood up facing right at me and all I see is his neck & head, put the 6x45 on his neck and bam...DRT at 280 yds.
Monday was just a lousey day, we counted 15 total shot 3 and well missed those 3 (I hate to admit!), all on the run away from us.
The second picture was a trotting away shot at about 100 yds after it busted us, but not 100% sure what was out there...58g vmax at 3232 fps and it never exited even when hit center in front of hind quarter. I thought it would of taken his soft center out like the 65g vmax does at 3053 fps.