Am shooting a Savage 10 with a LW barrel in 6mm NBR. My barrel has no throat what so ever, so even at an OAL of 2.320 the bullets are jammed into the Lands. Consequently closing the bolt is not as easy as closing it when the bullets are not jammed. But it isnt a fight either, just a little stiff. Headspace is correct, checked with a PTG Go Gauge, and scotch tape (single layer) as the no go.

However the Accutrigger wedge refuses to budge. And only does so when the bolt is lifted and closed a couple of times. I have the trigger set to the lowest possible setting right now. And am a little foxed as to how I could solve the issue.

The rifle is shooting well, and has given me consistent .3's even in high winds, and has produced a few groups in the mid teens when I do my part.

Thankyou in advance for your help.