Hey shovelhead, I dont wana sound dumb but I also do alot of hunting fox and coyote. prairie dog is shooting animals that kill to survive is hunting. Great job on the red!!! If I may make a suggestion i dont know your laws or how the land is out there but if its brushy like indiana where you hunt. Getcha goodol fashoned shotgun. fox are wirey and skidish ive made sets an got back to the truck just to find one wondering around my pickup...... hmmmmm if you are stricktly hunting fox aswell use rodent, and bird sounds get a bird feather and tie to a stick with string so it waves in the air serves 2 purposes wind flag and something to get the attention off the caller if your using mouth calls. Fox are like a big !$$ cat imo. Stay away from coyote sounds and anything BIG as it may scare away a fox. Congrats on the kill and good hunting.