Quote Originally Posted by efm77 View Post
Where's the info on what Potterfield said with Midway? I wish I had known earlier as I just placed an order with them this morning. But if that's the case, it will be my last I hate to say. I've always liked Midway for the most part.
I've searched for any information concerning Midway's "agreeing to bla...bla...bla.." and can't seem to find anything. I've purchased a lot of "stuff" from Midway and I know several years ago when Midway went from a direct UPS shipping to the UPS--USPS "chain" the delivery times were far greater than just going with UPS. I figured it was a shipping cost savings (for Midway) that prompted this shipping chain stuff.

I can understand any company stating "They comply with all required regulations". OTOH, it would appear that UPS lawyers got involved with this.....along with UPS insurance carrier (all this my assumptions of course) and their new "policy" is in place such that any "Ghost Gun" that was shipped in their system....and then used in a crime....would get UPS sucked into a lawsuit for being involved in the "delivery" part.

Yeah.....I know...it's akin to filing a lawsuit against the trucking firms and dealerships that sell a car. And then the car was used to run over her\his spouse for whatever. Exactly the same.....but unless the car had "gun" in it's naming.....the car dealer is safe from any lawsuit. Not so much in the current climate of "guns r bad".

In any event, my long blurb is not to defend Larry. Any company can choose to not ship anything they want. I can only assume that Larry said he comply's with the new BAFT rules about shipping 80% receivers. Ok...I understand that. I can guess that Brownell's comply's with that or any other new firearm related laws\rules. They may not state that, but I'm sure they do.

Unless I see statements from the "horse's mouth" (Midway) that they "agree with then new 80% S\N requirement" as opposed to "agreeing with shipping their firearm products with the new rules" I'll continue to buy from Midway. Complying with the new rules of "you can't ship a 80% non-SN receiver" is far different than saying "We agree with the rules and policies that 80% non-S\N receivers are and should be illegal."

If\when I see a statement from Midway saying they support 80% non-SN receivers being illegal, then I'll reconsider who I buy from.