Hi, I'm in Canada and if you've seen current events up here, the Fed Govt is planning to Restrict all "Long Guns" to 5-rounds sometime this year. No "Definite Info" yet but this MAY include .22s, even Bolt-action. At present, .22LR/Mag semis are 'exempted' from the current 5-round semi-auto limit, but this may change due to Pressure from Gun Control Groups - "Wendys & Karens".
This can be accommodated - in most Rifles - since 5-rnd mags are available but Rotaries are a "special case" unless manufacturers come up with a New Product for Rugers and Our Special Savages. And the 64 Stick-mag is also a problem as I've never seen a 5 for it.
And the tentative wording may state "Permanent modification..." so a plug is probably not acceptable. And "Modified Magazines" may not fly either ??
Anyway, I just wanted to put this out here to see if anyone is aware of any 5-rounders. I can see a market for all the 10/22s in Canada as well or some "adapter" to put a 5-round 'Anything' into the Rotary socket . . .
Thoughts ?? Sympathy ??
PS - This was 'Accelerated' by the Texas and Buffalo tragedies, but was a sword over our heads before these occurred. Gun Control INSTEAD of Nut-Control is the way major countries around the world are trending, if they haven't got there already. Look at your own Future - Joe's coming for you, too.