PhilC thanks for the encouragement. I've pretty much always done things "swimming up stream" so to speak. As they say I have means , opportunity and some small amount of skill to try things that obviously don't make much sense to most folks. But what the heck, I'm retired and retirement is about doing what you want to do, not what you have to do. If something interests me I'm likely going to go investigate it. Most of my projects throw a lot of labor and ingenuity at it instead of $$$$$. The challenge for me is to do it at the least expense and make it successful and enjoy it after it is done and I do enjoy using these as often as possible. That's the beauty of this great country we live in, the freedom to do what we like. Posting on here will hopefully encourage others to " branch out and swim upstream" and try new or old things and not follow all the latest trends. I know it's not for everyone but I can't help but believe there are others that think similar to me. Those are the ones I'd like to encourage .