Quote Originally Posted by GrenGuy View Post
Just a suggestion. If it were Me, I would coat the screw with Kiwi Neutral shoe polish, run the screw in, cover the area with JB Weld, let dry then remove the screw. It will be stronger than new and no worries or lost time with Savage. If Your rifle shoots good in that stock, I would be reluctant to change it. Best of Luck
This will work for sure if its out of warranty or if they let you keep the stock and you wind up with a spare.
I did a build several years ago where I cut a stock down for the kids beyond the plastic screw anchor points and built them both back similar to this method. I used tape top and bottom to build a pocket for the epoxy I put the epoxy in first and then ran the polish covered screw in and let it set up. Been holding tight for many years of pretty rough use.