Thanks Big Al1-I considered doing so. Checked around various sites for .257" bullets. Might do what you posted, at least for a start. I do though enjoy casting, sizing, and reloading just about as much as shooting. Trimming brass has always been my most despised thing though. Hated it with a passion. I did purchase a Little Crow trimmer with four different caliber collets last winter which took away a lot of the headache of timming. When I first started reloading some 43 years ago I started out using those Lee hand 'twist' trimmers, which took forever, bought a Forester rotary hand crank setup, which I thought I had 'hit trimmer heaven' (still a good setup), but was still time consuming, and then bought the Little Crow. Sure speeded up the process for the bottle neck rifle calibers that need it from time to time.